Alice Galenson
Curriculum Vitae PDF 19KB
Citizenship: U.S.A.
Languages: English (native), French (excellent), Spanish (fair)
Professional Experience
Senior Evaluation Officer/Lead Evaluation Officer, Operations Evaluation Department (Independent Evaluation Group).
Managed project evaluation program; member Audit and ICR Review Panels; carried out regional and country assistance evaluations, sector impact evaluations, program evaluations, project performance audits, country evaluation briefs; hired and supervised consultants for project, country and regional evaluations.
Senior Economist, Transport Division and Urban Development Division, Transportation, Water and Urban Development Department.
Prepared and supervised two research projects (labor redundancy in public transport enterprises, which resulted in three working papers and a change in Bank policy on financing severance pay; and transport and the
agricultural supply response in Cote d’Ivoire, which resulted in one working paper and one journal article); prepared FY90 transport sector annual review and FY93 contribution to ARPP; undertook operational support on rural roads and rural infrastructure for the Africa Region;
participated in preparation of the Infrastructure Sector Policy Review; wrote analysis of the experience of Bank lending for infrastructure; prepared numerous short papers and reviews; managed Infrastructure Notes, a publication series.
Senior Economist/Economist, Industrial and Development Finance Division, West Africa Projects Department.
Analyzed industrial, trade and financial policy in West African countries; prepared industrial sector reports and strategy papers; prepared industrial, trade and financial policy components of economic reports and structural
adjustment loans/credits; advised regional staff on industrial and trade policy work; hired and supervised consultants.
Economist, East Asia and Pacific Programs Department.
Country Economist for Papua New Guinea: analyzed macroeconomic and sectoral issues; led economic missions; participated in transport and agricultural sector missions; prepared economic and sector reports; supervised training of new staff; hired and supervised consultants. Economist for Malaysia: analyzed macroeconomic, agricultural and rural poverty issues.
Young Professional.
Transportation Economist, West Africa Projects Department: undertook cost-benefit analysis of highway projects. Economist, East Asia and Pacific Programs Department: analyzed agricultural policies in Malaysia.
2004. Economies in Transition: An OED Evaluation of World Bank Assistance. World Bank.
2002. “Haiti: Country Assistance Evaluation.” World Bank. Report No. 23637. February.
2001. “Morocco: Country Assistance Evaluation.” World Bank. Report No. 22212. May.
2001. “Review of Private Sector Development in IDA 10-12.” Background Paper for OED IDA Review. May.
2000. “Burkina Faso: Country Assistance Evaluation.” World Bank. Report No. 20704. June.
1999. “Mexico Country Assistance Evaluation: Background Paper on Transportation.” Draft. November.
1999. “Mexico Country Assistance Evaluation: Background Paper on Water Supply and Sanitation.” Draft. December.
1998. “An Evaluation of the Foreign Investment Advisory Service.” Bruce Fitzgerald, et. al. World Bank. Report No. CODE98-56. October.
1998. “Jamaica: Country Assistance Note.” World Bank. Report No. CODE98-80. December.
1998. “World Bank Support for Small Scale Enterprises in Ecuador: An Impact Evaluation.” World Bank. Report No. 17953. June.
1996. “Performance Audit Report, Mauritania: Public Enterprise TA and Rehabilitation Credit, Public Enterprise Sector Adjustment Program, and Public Enterprise Sector Institutional Development and TA Credit.” World Bank. Report No. 15832. June.
1995. “Performance Audit Report, Madagascar: Industry and Trade Policy Adjustment Credit and Public Sector Adjustment Credit.” World Bank Report No. 14774. June.
1994. “An Agenda for Infrastructure Reform and Development: Responding to the Market for Services.” Christine Kessides, et. al. World Bank TWU General Operational Review. Report No. TWU-OR7. December.
1994. The Evolution of the World Bank’s Railway Lending. World Bank Discussion Paper No. 269 (with Lou Thompson).
1994. “Provision of Rural Infrastructure in Sub-Saharan Africa.” World Bank. Report No. 13754-AFR. December 6.
1993. “The Evolution of Bank Lending for Infrastructure.” World Bank. TWU General Operational Review No. TWU-OR6. September.
1993. “Forms of Private Sector Participation in Railways.” World Bank. Infrastructure Note No. RW-5. (with Lou Thompson) June.
1993. “Forms of Private Sector Participation in Railways.” World Bank. TWU Working Paper No. 9 (with Lou Thompson). December.
1990. “FY90 Transport Sector Review,” World Bank. INU General Operational Review No. INU-OR5. December.
1990. “New Zealand: Roads Operated Like a Public Utility.” World Bank. Infrastructure Notes No. RD-1. August.
1989. “Investment Incentives.” in G.M. Meier and W.F. Steel, eds. Industrial Adjustment in Sub-Saharan Africa. N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
1989. Labor Redundancy in the Transport Sector. World Bank Policy, Planning and Research Working Paper No. 158.
1985. The Migration of the Cotton Textile Industry from New England to the South. N.Y.: Garland Publishing, Inc.
1984. “Cameroon: Industrial Sector Policies and Planning.” World Bank. Report No. 5150-CM. June.
1984. Investment Incentives for Industry: Some Guidelines for Developing Countries. World Bank Staff Working Paper No. 669.
1983. “Cameroon: Industrial Sector Strategy Paper.” World Bank. Processed. November.
1982. Papua New Guinea: Selected Development Issues. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
1981. “Papua New Guinea: Agricultural Services Review.” John Cleave, et. al. World Bank. Report No. 3161-PNG. January 30.
1981. “Papua New Guinea: Development Policies and Prospects for the 1980s.” World Bank. Report No. 3544a-PNG. December 8.
1980. “Agriculture and Rural Poverty.” in Kevin Young, et. al. Malaysia: Growth and Equity in a Multiracial Society. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
1978. “Papua New Guinea: Economic Situation and Prospects.” M. Joshi, et. al. World Bank. Report No. 2157-PNG. December 29.
1978. Papua New Guinea: Its Economic Situation and Prospects for Development. George Baldwin, with Alice Galenson and others. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
1977. “Papua New Guinea: Country Economic Memorandum.” World Bank. Report No. 1428-PNG. October 5.
1976. “Malaysia: Second Plan Performance and Third Plan Issues.” T. Swayze et. al. World Bank. Report No. 1177a-MA. September 20.
Ph.D., Cornell University, Economics, 1975
M.A., Cornell University, Economics, 1973
B.A., Magna Cum Laude, Radcliffe College, Harvard University, 1970
Woodrow Wilson Fellow, 1970
Ford Foundation Humanities and Social Sciences Fellowship, 1970-1974
Council for European Studies Fellowship, Italy, 1972